If you're looking for more information about publishing educational resources, you've come to the right place. Check out my quick guide to the industry and the briefing templates below.
Useful documents
Quick Guide to Editing for Educational Resources
This free guide will give you a brief overview of editing for educational resources. It covers:
Types of educational resources, including digital and print
Features of educational resources
Additional checks carried out on educational resources
Editing with the learner in mind.
Quick Guide to Writing for Educational Resources
A short, free guide that explains what first-time authors can expect when writing educational resources. It covers:
The stages of the publishing process
​The author's role during those stages
The different roles within publishing teams.
New Project Briefing document
Taking on a new project? Use this free document to guide your first discussion with the client.
Editorial Briefing template
You can adapt this free template to help you brief freelancers taking on editorial work.
Alternatively, freelancers can use it to help them ascertain whether they have enough information from their clients to begin work.
Below are some suggested blogs and websites that I have found really useful.
Paul Beverley's website has lots of information and guides for anyone wanting to learn about macros and how to use them.
The Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) has a great blog with contributions from their members. It covers all aspects of editing and freelancing.
Beth Cox has an insightful website, where she discusses the many benefits of improving diversity and inclusion in children's publishing.
Emma Darwin's This Itch of Writing blog is packed with useful advice for anyone who wants to improve their writing technique.
Louise Harnby's blog covers everything from brushing up on your grammar to improving your freelance business.
In Hazel Harris's Wordstitch Editorial blog she writes about how to become a freelance editor and best practices in the industry.
The Liminal Pages by Sophie Playle has lots of advice for fiction writers and editors.
Rachel Rowland's blog includes tips to improve your writing, as well as useful insights into diversity in books.​​