Subject specialisms
Project wish list:
If you need help with any similar projects to those listed here, get in touch.
Online courses
Teaching resources for English Literature
Fact checking for history books or resources
Any books or courses about ballet or theatre
Humanities and social sciences
I have a degree in English Literature and a background in History. I have experience of working on Literature titles, as well as literacy books for students of all ages. In 2016 I commissioned a series of History books for the International Baccalaureate. I have also worked on titles for Psychology, Politics, Geography, Religious Studies, Business Studies, Economics and Accounting.
My degree included Classical Studies, for which I studied Virgil, Homer and Roman poets such as Ovid, Propertius and Tibullus. I read Greek dramas from Aristophanes to Euripides. My dissertation covered Homer's Odyssey and Margaret Atwood's reworking of it in The Penelopiad. I also studied Classical history, such as fifth-century Athens, the history of medicine and the lives of the Jews during the Classical period. Please note that I do not read Latin or Ancient Greek.
B2B websites and marketing
Experts estimate that UK businesses are losing millions of pounds due to poor quality website text. Now that we have the ability to create our own websites, it's easy to fool ourselves into thinking that getting that friend who's an avid reader to give it a quick once over is enough. Or alternatively you might find yourself spending hours reading through all your carefully written text when you could be focusing on business strategy.
To ensure your website has the professional look and feel that you want, you need an editorial professional to check your text. I have experience of doing just that and can offer discounts for new businesses to help you get off the ground.
Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible work >>