Print on demand or short-run printing?
What not to brief your freelancers
Why you should self-publish your children’s book
Why not to self-publish your children’s book
How to successfully self-publish your children’s book
How to write an author writing brief
How to set up a publishing project for success
Seven inscrutable facts about the publishing industry that make no sense at all
How educational publishers can ensure their products are diverse and inclusive
How to negotiate fees with freelancers
How to save time securing freelancers for new projects
Are sensitivity reads really worth it?
Five myths about writing textbooks debunked
Five of the most enduring typos in history
Guided tour of educational resources
Rethinking Education: Event review
Six essential sections of an editorial brief
The insider tips publishers secretly want their authors to know
How to edit digital content
Tips on writing (or editing) for an international market